350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
New computer model of the human brain
K.V. Sudakov, E.A. Umryukhin
In the article the idea of neural connectivity ideology of creating computational and information systems is considered and degree of reflection properties of the brain by them is analysed. For the first time new concept sinapsotronics was introduced. The important conclusion about that the neuronal and synaptic networks can not be analogs of mental activity of the brain by themselves. It is noted that a key element is the organization of neural units and their incorporation into a complex information system that provides activities and functions of the brain. The new model of human mental activity is developed. The basis of a computer model is the logic of dynamic organization of various nodal stages of brain architectonic system of mental activity. In blocks of computer program models the following operations and mechanisms are made: a) the distribution of the dominant motivational excitation on connections of memory cells chains, and b) the choice of memory chains - the construction of an analogue of action results acceptor, and c) maintenance of excitation in the selected in block action results acceptor of memory cells, outstripping execution of acts and events are recorded in the memory of these cells, and d) storing of events in the memory cells chains - made actions and signals are perceived from results of the model action e) reinforcement of memory traces - increasing the conductivity of the links between memory cells when the results of the model is achieved, f) estimate model parameters of progress and correction of memory traces - in achieving the intended results, and a mismatch with the intended results obtained. Produced by the model quantitative estimates of the parameters of mental activity stages of different individuals can be used in various practical problems that need to determine the individual capabilities of human learning and adaptation.
Pages: 18-23

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