350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Neural networks tools for decision support systems in educational route management
M.B. Guzairov, N.I. Yusupova, O.N. Smetanina, N.I. Galeeva
The basis of the decision support for the management of educational route in the planning of academic mobility on the results of clustering educational programs for computer scientists at various universities in the world. Clustering results obtained from the use of neural networks and machine intelligence platform Deductor, show that educational programs in accordance with their characteristics of the structures classified into four clusters. Interpretation of Kohonen maps reveals such features: in the universities, caught in the right part of the map, the importance given to subjects of professional unit and less to human, social and economic bloc. In the universities, hit the top of the map, the importance given to subjects Mathematics and Naturalistic unit.
Pages: 21-25
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