350 rub

Journal Neurocomputers №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The creating of the intelligent system to optimize the fulfillment multi-parameter order on the basis of using the similar to neural networks
open complex systems
multi-parameter order
the object of order
similar-to-neural element
similar-to-neural network
E.N. Zakharov, A.V. Chechkin, O.V. Voronkov
Introduced the definition of «multi-parameter order» and the examples of multi-parameter order are given. The object of the multi-parameter order is seen as the open complex system. Suggested the form of the mathematical task for optimization of such multi-parameter order fulfillment at some limits (financial, cut of time, etc.) with the help of earlier suggested by these authors method of the creating of the intelligent system (including for the control of any processes in different fields) based on the method of express-analysis for the open complex systems with the help of similar-to-neural networks, with the obtaining and using of a set of quantitative and qualitative estimations for some characteristics (properties, functions) for the analyzed systems. The compliance of object with requirements specifications of multi-parameter order is considered and levels of compliance are suggested. Several methods to evaluate level of compliance are suggested.
Pages: 3-10
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