350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №6 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The efficiency of the clearing process for various models of payments
E.N. Sidnjaeva
Under natural conditions live microstructures constantly co-operate among themselves and, in work methods for quantitative studying of mechanisms of these interactions, i.e. a way and dynamics of the biological alarm system providing integrity and integration in an organism with attraction of modern mathematical apparatus and computing means are presented. In work strongly expanded and differentiated microanatomic, microbiochemical and physiological areas of studying neurobiological (artificial neuronet) are synthesised and united with the help regressions the device and the mathematical statistics. Check of independence of potential of a current of action from specified above parametres (in the field of their change for concrete experience) is spent. It is shown that the potential of a current of action does not depend at all on influence time neuromediator and from influence on a single nervous fibre.
Pages: 24-28
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