350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Correlation method for rapid assessment of the current value of the Hurst exponent for biometric data and market data
Hurst exponent
biometric data
market data
correlation algorithm for rapid calculation of the Hurst exponent
A.I. Ivanov, Y.Y. Egorovа
There is a statement that the market can be considered as a collective biometric system of interaction between many people (buyers and sellers). As a result, traditional statistical techniques for market data analysis can be applied to the analysis of biometric data and vice versa. The article considers the problem of estimating the Hurst exponent for biometric data and market data. The authors suggest a method of calculating the current Hurst exponent, oriented towards the use of small data samples. The researchers have attempted to assess the sustainability of market by controlling the entropy of its current state without prior knowledge of the current task dimensions
Pages: 26-30
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