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Journal Neurocomputers №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Spherical model of the space of emotional facial expressions, based on perceived differences
perception of facial expressions
six-dimensional spherical model of emotional facial expressions
S.G. Korshunova, O.B. Stepanova, L.V. Tetik
The present study investigates the perception of facial expressions of emotions and explores the structure of the space of emotional facial expressions. Stimuli were prototypes of 6 basic emotions from P. Ekman and W.V. Friesen series (happiness, surprise, fear, sadness, disgust and anger) and their morphs made from a prototype with a neutral expression, received in a group of 154 students. Perceived dissimilarities between the emotional expressions were processed with multidimensional scaling. A perceptual emotional space was retained where distances between stimuli represent perceived differences. Analysis of the structure of the space has shown that the photographic images of basic emotions are distributed on the surface of a hypersphere in a 6-dimensional Euclidean space. Angular co-ordinates of the hypersphere form the circular emotional scales of the modality, intensity, strength and saturation of expression. Linear Cartesian co-ordinates (1 - happiness-sadness; 2 - fear-anger; 3 - the stress-relaxation; 4 - neutral; 5 - open mouth; 6 - oblongness of lips) represent discriminative features, which differ in perception of "mimic cover" expression. The results are discussed in terms of neurophysiological model of the space of emotions E.N. Sokolov
Pages: 42-55
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