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Journal Neurocomputers №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Application of neural networks to assess the quality of the hash function
N.I. Chervyakov, A.A. Yevdokimov, E.V. Maslennikova
Persistence of data integrity, message authentication and generation mechanisms alias to create secure applications for the transmission of multimedia messages over the Internet relies on the quality of algorithms for constructing the message digest, used in the creation/verification of digital signatures. In this work the tests based on neural network for qualitative evaluation of the function of the message digest. In practice there is a lack of practical tests to be applied to the message digest algorithm for constructing an ever-growing field of systems engineering and communications security, especially for the transmission of the information content of multimedia data, where the problems of copyright protection and security in the transactions are particularly acute. The proposed assessment tests are considered together with others, obtained using statistical methods and information theory such as entropy test, and thus is a suitable methodology for the practical assessment. With the help of these tests have been tested algorithms MD5 and SHA, and the obtained results show the good quality of the algorithms. Required computation time is not so large that would limit their use on modern computers.
Pages: 11-17
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