350 rub

Journal Neurocomputers №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
On the approach to adaptive testing
and elimination of its artifacts
selected test technology
scientific research object
Markov models
test procedure
L. S. Kuravsky, G. A. Yuryev
Computerized testing is widely used for diagnostics and estimation of professional skills including education quality control. Both quality of testing and reliability of its results depend on a selected test technology that was a scientific research object during last years. Numerous problems following applications of traditional testing techniques inspired creation of the adaptive testing technology under consideration, which is based on application of trained structures in the form of continuous-time Markov models. Its peculiarities, in particular, are revealing and using test solution capability changes in quantitative evaluation of their time-domain dynamics as well as taking into account timetable of testing process. The approach suggested has certain advantages over the testing techniques, which were used before, owing to its greater information capability and acceleration of a test procedure. The main subject under consideration is elimination of artifacts conditioned by certain forms of illegal purposeful interference in testing procedure. It is carried out on the basis of comparing observed and expected subject responses with the aid of the Kalman filter adapted to the peculiarities of the problem in question. Presented is a new test of cognitive ability, which is based on the suggested concept and has significant advantages over similar products.
Pages: 54-66
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