350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Fuzzy inference methods, based on «situation - action» models
М. М. Zernov
This article is devoted to consideration of some aspects of fuzzy «situation - action» models. Methods of fuzzy situation definition for «situation - action» models are considered.
The first method defines fuzzy situation as second-level fuzzy set. Second method defines fuzzy situation as fuzzy production antecedent. Comparison of calculating costs for entering situation using different methods of fuzzy situation definition is made. Second method looks preferential by expert load and calculating costs.
Method of etalon situations group identification with heterogeneous sign staff is proposed. The method allows reducing calculating costs during identification process.
Entering situation identification is considered for the case of etalon situation group hierarchy presence. Two methods of etalon situation groups - hierarchy identification, corresponding to ascending and descending order of groups - lookup. In the first case, every situation group should be looked up. In the second - some groups may be missed. Calculating profit for the application of second method depends of certain etalon situation groups - topology.
Pages: 25-32
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