350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The concept of artificial intelligence and society as a heuristic source of ideas for a new generation neurocomputer
V. M. Rozin
The article gives a new definition of artificial intelligence: these are all main lines of technologization having a considerable impact on natural thinking development. They comprise both a practice of creating game machines and modern methodology, as well as the Internet, semiotic experiments, cybernetically oriented thinking modelling, and automation of all mentioned practices. We suggest to define the neural computer through drawing an analogy with the machine and society rather than the machine and the human brain. To do this, the notions of "machine" and "society" should be redefined. Social machines can be determined by their structure, organization and functions, while society is determined by a number of autonomous centers (social units) comparable to the whole society, as well by interactions and field integrity. A crisis of culture and its dying gives birth to society and communities. Social units interact and communicate inside them. It results in creation of conditions and preconditons for establishing new culture and new social machines. It has one more product, a new information base.
Pages: 4-10
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