350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Information-analytical module for control of ship vibration with use of theory games method
M. V. Protasevich
The control of vibration of courts of active ice navigation represents one of the important problems of maintenance of comfort and safety of operation of new types of the courts which are under construction for development of the Arctic shelf. Operating experience of courts of ice navigation testifies that the raised levels of vibration in these conditions can upset work of devices and mechanisms, to complicate use of a vessel on its functional purpose, and on occasion - to cause destruction of case designs. Thus, the control of vibration over the purpose of decrease in its level is the important scientific and technical problem on which decision efficiency of operation substantially depends, safety of navigation and competitiveness of domestic courts in the world market. Necessity of use of intellectual systems (IS) considered problem area is connected with features of solved problems which distinguishes: complexity and difficult formalistic, uncertainty and incompleteness of the initial information; dynamic problem area, deficiency of time for decision-making on management of a vessel in complex ice conditions; continuous change of dynamics of interaction of a vessel with an environment at various modes of movement of a vessel in ice conditions. The increased complexity of the problems controllable at functioning onboard IS of courts of ice navigation, demands integration of various modules (subsystems), including module of the control of vibration. Program realization of algorithms of processing of the information at the control of vibration should provide strategy of decision-making at the analysis and the forecast of the situations connected with raised vibration, and to guarantee a level of reliability of given out practical recommendations. In the present work the general approach to construction of the module of the control of vibration of a vessel on the basis of technologies of an artificial intellect is discussed. The module is built in in onboard IS monitoring of safety of courts of ice navigation and carries out the continuous control and the forecast of characteristics of vibration over the given dynamic measurements, the structured knowledge base and methods of mathematical modelling. Criterium of the basis used by logic system of knowledge of the developed module, is based on requirements of the Sea Register of Navigation. The algorithm of the control of a situation is constructed with use of a principle of a competition. As competing computing technology the theory of matrix games is used. Carried out research has allowed to define structure of the module of the control of vibration at movement of a vessel in ice conditions and to lead modelling dynamics of interaction at various intensity of ice loadings. Results of research can be formulated in allows following substantive provisions: 1. Synthesis algorithmic and the software of functioning of the module realizing the continuous control of vibration of a vessel in ice conditions is carried out. 2. The dynamic knowledge base of the program module as one of integrated a component onboard IS a safety of a vessel in ice conditions is developed. 3. Mathematical modelling dynamics of interaction of a vessel with an environment is lead at various influences of an ice field which results are used at construction of algorithm of a choice of rational conditions of management by a vessel on the basis of the theory of matrix games. And, realizations of complex situations correspond the certain classes of games. Depending on completeness of the initial information. Thus, the developed intellectual technology of the control of ice vibration of a vessel allows to carry out continuous monitoring and to raise efficiency of use of courts at operation in conditions of the Arctic shelf.
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