350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Neural network as a tool for implementation of piecewise-linear classifier in mass screening of molecules in the problem of «structure-property»
Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship
artificial neural networks
fuzzy molecular descriptors
molecular graphs
E. I. Prokhorov, A. V. Perevoznikov, L. A. Ponomareva, M. I. Kumskov
It is proposed to use artificial neural network (ANN) as a tool for the realization of a generalized decision tree created as a model for solving the «structure-property» problem. Radial basis neurons are used to represent the cluster structure of the training set: within existing clusters introduced the rule to refuse the forecast. In this paper, the rules-constructing task and their implementation in the form of an ANN are proposed. Proposed a solution that uses the cluster structure of the training sample. To find this structure is proposed to use the composition of two different algorithms for cluster analysis: an algorithm for constructing a minimum spanning tree and the classical k-means clustering algorithm. Calculating the distance between the molecular graphs is carried out using special space descriptors, different from the space in which we construct a function of the forecast. The results of computational experiments analyzing a sample of glycosides, which illustrate the practical effectiveness of the methodology, are proposed.
Pages: 39-45
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