350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Neural network as a tool for implementation of piecewise-linear classifier in mass screening of molecules in the problem of «structure-property»
E. I. Prokhorov, A. V. Perevoznikov, L. A. Ponomareva, M. I. Kumskov
It is proposed to use artificial neural network (ANN) as a tool for the realization of a generalized decision tree created as a model for solving the «structure-property» problem. Radial basis neurons are used to represent the cluster structure of the training set: within existing clusters introduced the rule to refuse the forecast. In this paper, the rules-constructing task and their implementation in the form of an ANN are proposed. Proposed a solution that uses the cluster structure of the training sample. To find this structure is proposed to use the composition of two different algorithms for cluster analysis: an algorithm for constructing a minimum spanning tree and the classical k-means clustering algorithm. Calculating the distance between the molecular graphs is carried out using special space descriptors, different from the space in which we construct a function of the forecast. The results of computational experiments analyzing a sample of glycosides, which illustrate the practical effectiveness of the methodology, are proposed.
Pages: 39-45
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