350 rub

Journal Neurocomputers №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The analysis of quality of heterogeneous structures of roads with application Data Mining of methods
ntrgrated indicator of quality
heterogeneous structures
sinergetical spirally-network algorithms
D. V. Artamonov, M. A. Isupov
In article at the analysis of quality of heterogeneous structures of roads with application Data Mining of methods it is offered to use sinergetical spirally-network algorithm of ascending type, as private algorithm - algorithm of the intellectual analysis of the data and transformation of the data to new knowledge. Carried out with use of the given algorithm the analysis allows to construct a uniform integrated indicator of quality - admissible speed of movement, and also a number of integrated indicators of quality of heterogeneous structures of roads, including complex rigidity of structures which characterizes as the standard module of elasticity of multilayered heterogeneous structures, and dissipative member of an indicator.
Pages: 36-39
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