350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №1 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
A method for fast task reassignment onto fault-tolerant logical multicontrollers
D. B. Borzov, I. V. Zotov, O. E. Kljuchnikova, M. M. Al-Ashval
Redundant logic multicontrollers - one of the promising directions of development of multiprocessor control systems. In case one of the processor modules LMC made rapid recovery correctness of its operation by reconfiguring the structure of disconnecting the faulty processor and its replacement reserve, usually located outside the field of manufacturing processors. However, this leads to a significant reconfiguration of relations between processors and the formation of long routes data. Such routes can be reduced by the relocation of the operational tasks. At the same time, the procedure of placement problems are combinatorial, have greater computational complexity and can therefore lead to a substantial increase in recovery time and reduce the coefficient of readiness of the system. Therefore, a search for ways to reduce the computational complexity of procedures accommodation problems in LMC, which is the purpose of this article.
Pages: 29-33
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