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Journal Neurocomputers №1 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Global technotronic complexes as source of conflict-induced threats
G. M. Alakoz, A. V. Kotov
It is shown: 1. High end geoinformation technotronic complexes called to prevent global disasters threatening to human existence are converted into inexhaustible sources of equivalent technogeneous dangers associated with disruption of control as they are open systems. 2. Perspective developing technologies in the range of computer engineering creation is impossible without usage of interdisciplinary approach within the bounds of which it is necessary to take into account features of functions between «natural» and «artificial» intelligence reallocation. 3. Fundamental distinction between living and nonliving systems is that the first implement active selection of external interactions and possible responses. Initially nonliving systems are limited not only by set of external interactions and responses but any deviation from previously specified operation is submitted invalid. Such a deviation is considered as failure and must be suppressed by failure-resistance support systems - facilities, especially in military equipment. 4. In principle it is impossible to fully eliminate «human factor» from global techotronic systems for the following reasons: main conflict-induced threats, able to result in disruption of control such systems, source are ambiguities inherent to all life cycle stages of theirs - creation, maintenance and modification (development); intelligent tasks re-allocation in man-machine systems for benefits of machines makes problem of their fault tolerance and failure-resistance ensuring undecidable as at this diagnostics space expands to hypercombinatorial size; it is impossible to reduce organisms vital activity only to processes of mass transfer and/or energy in (semi)open systems as they are (semi)open against the information spreading processes, without which design, production, maintenance and modification (de-velopment) of such systems is impossible.
Pages: 5-20
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