350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №7 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Neuroidentification of static and dynamic features of electro-drive of alternating current
V. M. Buyankin, D. V. Pantjuhin
In the article there is discussed the artificial multi-layer neuron net with the direct transmission of signal and the reverse error spreading. This net works in the conditions of the static and dynamic characteristics identification of the asynchronic electro-drive of alternating current. Such conditions were designed in Matlab-Simulink medium. For researches of the work conditions of the neuron net there was carried out the digital design in Matlab Neural Network Toolboxes medium. At training of the neuron net there were received the very interesting results which showed that the neuron net can identify sufficiently the static and dynamic parameters of the asynchronic electro-drive of the alternating current.
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