350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №11 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Modelling of impulses flows transformation at the neur on network controlling a muscle contraction
A. V. Bakhshiev, S. P. Romanov
The properties of artificial neurons and neurons network models used at present are not enough correspond to their biological prototypes and the connections between them in the neural structures. Such similarity is necessary for signals reproduction and the modelling of principles of information processing that is occurring in biological neural networks. Most important problems are an interneuron connection structure and information impulses flows transformations on each neuron. In this article we present the differential equations systems describing the behaviour of muscle analogue by the curves of muscle contraction, and shapes of the impulses flows transformation in the analogues of biological neuron. The intrinsic features of these models are the possibility of construction of neuron dendrite architecture and of realization of presynaptic inhibition effects. All functional changes are arising from the modification of structural organization of neuron membrane and synapses, but not by parametric adjustment. The numerical experiments were carried out. The qualitative correspondence between behaviour of models and biological prototype are shown.
Pages: 70-79
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