350 rub
Journal №4 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Skin effect in a metallic type carbon nanotubes
O.S. Erkovich - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: fn@bmstu.ru P.A. Ivliev - Post-graduate Student, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: ivliev-pavel@mail.ru
The results of theoretical studies of the interaction of longitudinally incident electromagnetic radiation on single-walled carbon nanotube metal type considered in the approximation of a right circular cylinder, taking into account the electron-electron interaction are presented. Based on Maxwell\\\'s equations and using the differential form of Ohm\\\'s law, the recording, the dependence of the wave number and thickness of the skin-layer of nanotubes on the frequency of the external radiation. We consider the approximation in which the electronic conductivity of the gas is constant and does not depend on time. An expression for the thickness of the skin layer, depending on the frequency of the incident radiation. Also obtained in the form depending on the size of the electron density, which, as has been shown in previous studies, determined by the diameter of the nanotube. Conducted calculations the thickness of the skin layer for a wide range of wavelengths, from radio spectrum to visible light. It is found that the electromagnetic terahertz radiation and visible range is absorbed nanotubes. It is found that the radio waves pass freely through the single-walled carbon nanotubes because the thickness of the skin layer are much larger than the length of the object The conclusions of this theoretical study are in full agreement with the available experimental data on this topic.
Pages: 3-7


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