350 rub
Journal №3 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Resistive switching in nanostructured peptide layers
A.I. Loskutov - Ph.D. (Chem.), Associate Professor, Moscow State Technological University STANKIN. Е-mail: ailoskutov@yandex.ru A.M. Mandel - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Moscow State Technological University STANKIN. E-mail: arkadimandel@mail.ru V.B. Oshurko - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Department, Moscow State Technological University STANKIN. E-mail: vbo08@yandex.ru V.S. Veretin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow). E-mail: ilavvsse@mail.ru G.I. Solomakho - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Moscow State Technological University STANKIN. E-mail: solgeo@mail.ru N.V. Kosheleva - Post-graduate Student, Moscow State Technological University STANKIN. E-mail: n.kosheleva1990@gmail.com K.G. Solomakho - Post-graduate Student, Moscow State Technological University STANKIN. E-mail: kirgeosol@gmail.com S.A. Egorov - Student, Moscow State Technological University STANKIN. E-mail: sergey_95l@mail.com
Organic electronics is developing very intensively now. Promising elements for it can be nonvolatile organic memory devices based on memristors. A wide variety of peptides and their natural ability to self-assemble make them very perspective candidates for the fabrica-tion of a new generation of organic electronics devices. This paper discusses processes of solid-phase crystallization of the dipeptide (DPT) layers (HCOO?(CH2)2-CO-Glu-Lys-NH?(CH2)6-NH-Lys-Glu-CO?(CH2)2), their structure, morphology and electrical characteristics to determine the practical application of the DPT for preparation stable nanostructures of organic electronics. Direct link between the charge of the molecule of DPT in aqua solution and all these characteristics was found. Increasing pH of solution leads to disruption of zwitterionic state of DPT molecules and growth of its total negative charge. As a result, the mechanism of crystallization and the structure of DPT layers change. Throughout the range of pH variation, the hysteresis (bipolar resistive switching) on the current-voltage characteristics (CVC) was found. The nature of hysteresis occurrence depends on the sign and value of the total charge of DPT molecule. In neutral solutions organic crystals grow, which are composed of neutral molecules. In alkaline solutions the ionic crystals are growing by DPT crystallization. The mechanism of hysteresis appearance also differs in these two cases. In the first case the origin of memristor effect is in good agreement with literature data for organic materials and its appearance can be explained on the basis of the model of filling trap states. The hysteresis in the second case is due to the polarization of DPT dielectric layers. The important role of the interfaces, that affect the structure and electrical properties of the layers, is observed. The results show that regardless of the specific mechanism of hysteresis occurrence DPT can be considered as a perspective material for memristor electronics.
Pages: 26-34


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