350 rub
Journal №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Physical fractals in the analysis of nano-sizefilm coating structure
A.A. Nazarenko - Post-graduate Student, Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radioengineering and Electronics. Е-mail: alexandrnazarenco@gmail.com O.S. Kiselevskiy - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Belarusian State University of Transport, Homel A.A. Ragachev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Belarusian State University of Transport, Homel. Е-mail: rogachevfv@mail.ru Р.А. Luchnikov - Senior Research Scientist, Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radioengineering and Electronics. Е-mail: xamdex@gmail.com S.N. Akilov - Senior Research Scientist, ZNIRTI, Moscow
The results of physical fractals based analysis of methods of description of structural properties of nano-size polymer coatings is pre-sented. The coating structure self-organization was observed at the coating synthesis from gaseous phase with manifestation of polymer fractality in the layer. The polymer structure is shown to be governed by its growth regimes: layer by layer or islands formation. The application of algorithms for pinpointing the characteristic cross-section and caculating dimentional and fractal characteristic features of the coating with using the cluster marker method substantially increases the accuracy of monofractal dimentionality calculations. There are given examples of calculation of mono- and multi-fractal dimentionalities for characteristic cross-section of test structures of island -like film structure with fractal dimentionalities from 2 up to 3.
Pages: 12-20


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