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Journal №2 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The role of some external factors at synthesis processes of ultrafine copper particles
I.V. Chepkasov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Khakas State University, Abakan. E-mail: ilya_chepkasov@mail.ru
Yu.Ya. Gafner - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Department, Katanov Khakass State University, Abakan. Е-mail: ygafner@khsu.ru
Nowadays there are a lot of areas of nanotechnologies that require metal nanoparticles of the definite strict shape and size. Such geometrical characteristics of nanoparticles are mainly determined by the process of their growth. This work represents the basic mechanisms that were studied on the example of copper that were responsible for the formation of metallic nanoclusters in real synthesis processes. The method of condensation from the gas phase was chosen as a method of producing of ultrafine dispersed materials. Gas-phase condensation of 85000 copper atoms is examined by molecular dynamics simulation with a tight-binding potential TB-SMA. In order to study the influence of the cooling rate of synthesizing particles and their structure, the cooling of this system with three different cooling rates U = 0,005 ps1, U = 0,025 ps1 and U = 0,05 ps1. As a result of modeling the basic mechanisms of formation nanocrystalline particles in the course of free condensation of primary atoms of copper have been considered. It was shown that depending on the size and temperature of the binding nanoclusters the process of ultimate nanoparticle formation can pass through several basic scenarios.Thus, it was shown that with the help of regulating of temperature parameters it is possible to achieve a particular frequency realization of this or that scenario of forming appearance and size of the nanocrystalline particles.
Pages: 3-9

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