350 rub

Journal №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Optical and electrical properties of anthracene thin films doped by benzene nitroderivatives molecules
charge-transfer complex
optical activity
P.I. Dubenskov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, NGU. Е-mail: trav@ipm.sci-nnov.ru
P.A. Luchnikov - Senior Research Scientist, MIREA. Е-mail: xamdex@gmail.com
A.A. Nazarenko - Post-graduant Student, MIREA. Е-mail: alexandrnazarenco@gmail.com
M.V. Starilov - Post-graduant Student, MIREA. Е-mail: alexandrnazarenco@gmail.com
V.V. Travkin - Ph.D. (Chem.), Junior Research Scientist. Е-mail: trav@ipm.sci-nnov.ru
P.A. Luchnikov - Senior Research Scientist, MIREA. Е-mail: xamdex@gmail.com
A.A. Nazarenko - Post-graduant Student, MIREA. Е-mail: alexandrnazarenco@gmail.com
M.V. Starilov - Post-graduant Student, MIREA. Е-mail: alexandrnazarenco@gmail.com
V.V. Travkin - Ph.D. (Chem.), Junior Research Scientist. Е-mail: trav@ipm.sci-nnov.ru
Low molecular donor-acceptor charge transfer complexes (CTC) based on anthracene and some benzene nitroderivatives is studied. Energy analysis of the optical absorption maxima in the visible region in thin films and CTC solutions allowed to establish energy dependence of some charge transfer complexes on form of the complex existence, and the degree of solvents influence on the components interaction nature. An effect of acceptor molecules concentration in the donor matrix on the CTC electrical properties in the solid phase is studied by the x-ray photoconductivity measurement. It is shown that the maximum value of the x-ray photocurrent is achieved at acceptor concentration of 0.5 mol.%. A model of charge transport in a «chain» of anthracene molecules embedded in a series of nitro derivatives of benzene, i.e. an increase in the electrical conductivity of doped anthracene is observed due to lowering of the potential barrier between the dopant and the anthracene molecules in the molecular chain. X-ray photosensitivity of anthracene is mainly determined by the dopant nature and it can increase anomalously at low concentrations in the solid solutions formation due to percolation phenomena in the film structure.
Pages: 18-23
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