350 rub
Journal №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
On the problem of technological applying of metal nanoparticles under the temperature change
D.N. Sokolov - Postgraduate student of department of the theoretical physics, Tver State University. E-mail: dnsokolov@mail.ru
N.Yu. Sdobnyakov - Associate professor of department of the theoretical physics, Tver State University. E-mail: nsdobnyakov@mail.ru
A.Yu. Kolosov - Postgraduate student of department of the theoretical physics, Tver State University. E-mail: kolosov-au@yandex.ru
N.V. Novozhilov - Postgraduate student of department of the theoretical physics, Tver State University. E-mail: nnowhereman@gmail.com
A.S. Antonov - Postgraduate student of department of the theoretical physics, Tver State University. E-mail: s014451@mail.ru
The paper deals with the problem of functioning elements consisting of nanoparticles in normal operation mode. The size dependence of the relative decreasing the melting temperature and the specific total surface energy for gold, copper and aluminum nanoclusters have been calculated. The investigation of the thermodynamic characteristics finds its practical application in the processes like spontaneous coalescence, process nanosoldering and affect the conditions of mechanical stability of the nanoclusters. As an example the coalescence of gold nanoparticles has been described. It was found that in some cases the nanoparticles coalescence could happen under much lower temperatures than the temperature of crystal-liquid phase transition for the current size of nanoparticles. Moreover, the coalescence doesn-t happen at all at certain distances between nanoparticles of an initial configuration. The evolution of the neck formed at the coalescence of different-sized particles has been investigated. In addition simulation for evaluation of the interaction between probe tip (copper) - sample (gold) system in the thermal expansion as a function of distance between them has been carried out. It has been found that the thermal expansion of the probe tip can reach values comparable with the width of the tunneling gap and the potential for a cascade process of thermal expansion of the probe tip that results in contact between the probe and the sample surface exists.
Pages: 8-14

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