350 rub
Journal №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The features of thermally stimulated oxidation of nanoscale indium films
G.O. Eremeeva, E.P. Surovoy
The processes of oxidation of nanosized indium film with thickness 2-147 nm under heat treatment at the temperature range 473-873 К for 0-120 minutes in an environment of atmospheric air. While the oxidation of films it was watched the transformation kinetics in films that are satisfactorily described by the linear inverse logarithmic, parabolic and logarithmic laws. By increasing the thickness of an oxide film the indium interaction process with oxygen is decelerated by the diffusion of indium ions transported through the oxide film. That was done the measurements of the contact potential for the films In - In2O3 and photo-emf for systems In - In2O3. We provide the diagram of the energy bands Systems In - In2O3. A model for the thermal conversion indium films, comprising oxygen adsorption step, redistribution of charge carriers in the contact field In - In2O3 and formation of indium oxide (III), is suggested.
Pages: 10-14

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