350 rub
Journal №4 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Molecular structure and morphology of vacuum silicone coatings prepared by plasma chemical synthesis
M.A. Yarmolenko, A.A. Rogachev, P.A. Luchnikov, A.V. Rogachou, D.L. Gorbochev
Electron beam dispersion of silicone compounds and molecular structure of the single-component and composite coatings deposited by dispersion of volatile products in the process of plasma glow discharge activation as well as without it are discussed. Growing kinetic of vacuum films by the thickness of 20 - 500 nm deposited from an active gas phase is studied. It is established that in the case of gas phase plasma activation the coatings have low density of hydrocarbonic species, as well as high density of unsaturated bonds. It is shown that coating formation is caused by the chemical interaction processes proceeding in the area of accelerated electron flow on the sprayed target. Single-component silicone layers with the surface roughness less than 8-12 nm are formed in the plasma activation process. The possibility of high dispersion composite silicone coatings creation which molecular structure sufficiently differs from initial is established. Two-component composite coatings containing in the structure silicone and polytetrafluoroethylene in equal shares have periodical wave areas with the size of 30-70 nm and the relief height of 5-6 nm. Etching of a composite coating surface by argon ions leads to the increase as wave areas and relief height in 2-3 times. Dopping of such two-component coating by molybdenum in equal shares leads to formation of more homogeneous periodic composite structure and to some increase in the size of structural features; their molecular structure differs from a structure of molecules of initial components. After etching by argon ions the composite film gets high structurization of the surface layer with the wave relief of areas with the size 180-220 nm and height of 65-80 nm
Pages: 34-43
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