350 rub
Journal №4 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Nonlinear conductivity of nanoisland metallic films in weak electric fields
A.P. Boltaev, F.A. Pudonin
Influence of alternating electric field on conductivity of the island metal films was investigated in the article. It is established, that character of change of conductivity from an electric field practically is not influenced with a material of a metal film. It is shown, that in a variable and constant electric field, growth of conductivity with increase in amplitude of a field is caused by growth of concentration positively and negatively charged islands (carriers concentration). Decay of value of film conductivity decrement is observed at increasing frequency, with the same value of the electric field. The reason for the decay increment of the conductivity in structure is due to the relaxation processes in the films
Pages: 14-21
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