350 rub
Journal №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Plasma chemical synthesis of nanocomposite biocompatible coatings, which have antibacterial prolonged action
M.A. Yarmolenko, А.А. Rogachev, А.V. Rogachev, D.V. Tapalski, D.L. Gorbachev, P.А. Lutchnikov
In this article a new method of forming nanocomposite antimicrobial coatings based on polymers, ciprofloxacin and silver is proposed. The coatings are formed from the active gas phase, generated by electron-beam dispersion of the powders of the initial substances in vacuum. It is shown that during the process of electron-beam dispersion of the mechanical mixtures of ciprofloxacin and polyurethane powders, and also ciprofloxacin and polyethylene, there is no noticeable thermoradiational destruction of the chemical preparation. The formed coating can be regarded as a fine dispersed mechanical mixture of the initial components. It is found that in the coating between the polar groups of chemical preparation and polymer there is a strong intermolecular interaction. The executed microbiological tests have shown a high level of bactericidal activity of the composite layers on the basis of ciprofloxacin relatively the test-cultures S.aureus ATCC 25913 and E.coli ATCC 25922. The results of determining the stability of the antibacterial effect, which were obtained by many cyclic repeated washings of the samples in isotactic sodium chloride solution, have shown a high prolonging of the extrication of antibacterial substance from a polymer matrix, in particular the polyurethane one, due to the intermolecular interactions of polymer and chemical preparation. During the electron-beam dispersion of the mixture of polymer and silver nitrate nanocomposite layers are formed. The layers contain a polymer matrix and particles of silver with average size ≈ 20 nm, which can form conglomerates up to 100 nm in thick layers. A pronounced bactericidal effect of the formed coatings is revealed, and its versatility relatively the micro-organisms of different taxonomic groups, independent of concomitant resistance to antibiotics, is shown. It is established that the bactericidal effect depends on the nature of the matrix material
Pages: 26-35
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