350 rub
Journal №1 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Modeling by molecular dynamics method condensation of copper atoms from a gas phase has been lead. For the analysis of thermal influence on the internal organization synthesized from gas phase copper nanoclusters, was simulated their smooth heating in an interval of temperatures from 100 up to 1200 K. Carried out researches have shown some tendencies, characteristic for process of thermal processing synthesized of a gas phase Cu nanoparticles. In particular it has been found out, that the subsequent heating received in the aerosol way clusters in current of several nanoseconds up to temperatures of the order 400500 K allows improving essentially their internal organization with primary formation of the spheric form. Thus, the basic opportunity of the control of formation Cu clusters with the expected form and structure and, hence, with the certain physical properties opens. It can be necessary for manufacture of modern technical devices and, in particular, manufactures of new stores of the information for computer techniques and at catalyze.
Pages: 17-21
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