350 rub
Journal №1 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
We show that polarizing impact of atoms in atomic clusters capable under certained conditions to bring about is packed compensations radiation fading the excited conditions of atoms, to change the sign of dispersion polarizability of atoms and giant enhancement of light by the nanocluster. The retarding interaction of atoms in the atomic cluster completely compensates radiation disinteration of excited condition of atom, but under corresponding to frequencies a role of quantum transition, agitating atom in the cluster in consequence of their interactions, becomes important relaxation of quantum transition. Thereby, nanocluster in this area of frequencies is capable intensify the external emission. The enhancement of light is given by the processes, occurring at no charge to change the inversion of atom inwardly atomic cluster, but at the expense of coherent oscillations induced dipole moments of atoms in the cluster, linear sizes which far less wavelength of external optical emission. The inversion of system differs from a flash importance due to presence of strong field of optical pumping. The discriminating particularity of effect of reinforcement of light is that inversion practically does not differ from stationary importance, equal . The effect of reinforcement is conditioned not superradiation of nanocluster, but coherent influence polarizing field inwardly cluster, bringing about change the sidebar natural linewidth of quantum transition. We show that intensity of electric dipole radiation atomic cluster under determined structure of location of atoms can vastly increase (in 103-108 once) in contrast with intensity of radiation of insulated atom, due to the interaction of atoms. At, the effect of giant enhancement of light is accompanied the significant realignment of the radiation spectrum. We show that the optical emission of nanocluster of the external optical emission can come of vastly greater intensity on frequency, close to frequency of turning the insulated atom within its natural linewidth. Due to the retarding interaction of atoms in the cluster occurs the transformation of natural width of atoms in the cluster. They are formed the area positive and negative dispersion, and natural linewidth of atoms in the cluster vastly decreases. This means that in atomic clusters appears the effect of giant enhancement of light, due to coherent oscillations of atoms. For experimental finding of this effect necessary to prepare cluster by means of optical pumping, agitating atoms in the condition with inversion . Hereinafter by means of stationary optical emission, intensity which small, in the cluster are agitated transition in stationary mode, when relaxation processes are compensated the process induced the local dipole moments. Herewith distance between atoms in the cluster is chosen so as frequencies of dimensioned resonances little differ from frequency of transition in spectrum of insulated atoms. The system of such clusters can be intensive superradiation with a giant quantum yield.
Pages: 5-12
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