S.A. Nenashev1, A.R. Bestugin2, R.I. Chembarisova3, I.A. Kirshina4, V.A. Nenashev5
1−5 Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
2 fresguap@mail.ru, 3 renatachembarisova@yandex.ru, 4 ikirshina@mail.ru, 5 nenashev.va@yandex.ru
Nowadays, the application of ultra-wideband signal-code structures is one of the most demanded technologies realized in determining the depth of a particular layer or object in it, in particular, in determining the ice thickness of water surfaces. The latter requires to ensure high reliability and accuracy of ice-water partition boundary determination in order to control its thickness in the interests of environmental control.
The purpose of this study is to synthesize ultra-wideband signal-code designs and investigate their autocorrelation characteristics, which ensure the reliability of ice thickness measurement at all controlled areas of its presence – boundaries of "ice-water" partitions.
The result of the work is that found new values of elements and synthesized by them ultra-wideband signal-code designs. It is shown that the levels of side lobes of the normalized autocorrelation function of the synthesized ultra-wideband signal are lower than those of similar canonical signals, often used in practice.
Synthesis and application of new ultra-wideband signal-code designs provides improvement of their correlation characteristics and, as a consequence, provides reliable and accurate measurement when controlling ice thickness on various water bodies.
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