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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №4 for 2024 г.
Article in number:
Artificial intelligence methods in information‑measuring and control systems
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700814-202404-10
UDC: 004.93

V.A. Nenashev1, R.M. Voronov2, A.V. Berezin3, A.D. Matveev4, V.K. Losev5

1–5 St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg, Russia)

1 nenashev.va@yandex.ru


In modern agriculture, there is a need for efficient methods of monitoring and controlling the condition of agricultural objects. This requires the development of technologies capable of automatically recognizing and counting these objects based on data obtained from small unmanned aerial vehicles. Aim is to develop and implement a method for automatic recognition and counting of agricultural objects based on processing a stream of frames captured by a small unmanned aerial vehicle, in order to improve the efficiency of monitoring and managing agricultural resources. Results. A system has been developed that uses computer vision methods to analyze the video stream and demonstrates high accuracy in recognizing and counting haystacks in the captured frames. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Practical Significance. The developed system has significant practical value for agriculture by automating the process of monitoring and controlling the condition of agricultural objects. This can lead to improved land resource utilization efficiency and reduced manual labor costs.

Pages: 85-90
For citation

Nenashev V.A., Voronov R.M., Berezin A.V., Matveev A.D., Losev V.K. Artificial intelligence methods in information‑measuring and control systems. Information-measuring and Control Systems. 2024. V. 22. № 4. P. 85−90. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700814 -202404-10 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 28.06.2024
Approved after review: 12.07.2024
Accepted for publication: 23.07.2024