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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №4 for 2024 г.
Article in number:
Modern standards of unified system of design and software documentation as a vector of the main trends in the development of machine-readable documents
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700814-202404-09
UDC: 005.6

K.V. Epifantsev1, E.A.Frolova2

1-2Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

1 epifancew@gmail.com, 2frolova_ea@guap.ru


In order to organize interaction between different departments of a production unit, it is necessary to create elaborated standards in the field of electronic document protection. From the point of view of the standardization process, the documentation maintenance department faces the problem of translating a file into an electronic document, which must have a number of identifying requisites. This point is very vulnerable both in terms of originality, since not every company has the ability to use EDS, GOST allows a number of alternatives. At present, in the period of import substitution, the growth of documents in the field of design documentation will increase, and therefore, it is necessary to increase the number of quality standards in the field of electronic documents, which will facilitate a traceable structure of changes in the design document and the addition of the drawing and specification of the part. Thus, by schematically explaining all the steps of this process, the problem can be solved. The paper applies elements of analysis of catologization systems, electronic document management systems, research on the use of requisite part and electronic forms in electronic documentation.

Using the output from the 2023 and 2024 standards in the area of electronic document management, it is necessary to identify the critical points of the process of converting a drawing or specification file into an electronic document. It is also necessary to consider the 2023-2024 standards, which are aimed at a system to improve the process of mutual exchange of drawings, schematics, electronic models between enterprises of different profiles. It is also necessary to present the algorithm of adaptation of design documentation made in different formats to the perception in different document management systems and adequate implementation in the system of catologization. Conclusions are made on the most relevant GOSTs, critical points of GOSTs are indicated, which contribute to the facilitation of understanding of this process between organizations and simplification of the order of conversion of USCD systems from different formats into a unified system of electronic catalog. This process is important from the point of view of unification of models on the one hand, on the other hand - more qualitatively contributes to the process of import substitution, when a number of design documentation must be unloaded from foreign sources and convert them into CAD of domestic development. The information available in the article can be used by designers, technologists, norm-checkers to create standards within the enterprise on norms and rules of work with electronic design documents, as well as for the transfer of documents from the file system to the electronic document management system.

Pages: 77-84
For citation

Epifantsev K.V., Frolova E.A. Modern standards of unified system of design and software documentation as a vector of the main trends in the development of machine-readable documents. Information-measuring and Control Systems. 2024. V. 22. № 4. P. 77−84. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700814-202404-09 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 27.06.2024
Approved after review: 11.07.2024
Accepted for publication: 23.07.2024