R.Yu. Kozlov1, K.Yu. Gavrilov2
1,2 Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (Moscow, Russia)
The problem of developing models of received radar signals in through a wall sensing radars is considered, taking into account the properties of targets and the presence of interference clutter. In this case, the targets to be detected are people who are in a mobile or stationary state. It is assumed that the sensing is carried out using an ultra-wideband signal with step frequency modulation. The developed model should correspond to the actual received signals of the through a wall radar in terms of the proximity of statistical characteristics.
Goal of article – creation of models of reflected signals corresponding to sensing with the help of through a wall radar of various rooms in the presence or absence of living people in them. Signal models have been developed that correspond to the cases of probing both an "empty" room (in the absence of people) and a room with people inside it. When developing models, the properties of real signals that were obtained during field experiments with the radar layout are taken into account. The statistical characteristics of real and model signals are compared, as a result of which the adequacy of the developed models to real signals is shown. It is also shown that the amplitude of the complex envelope of the target signal can be described using the Gauss function.
The developed signal models make it possible to determine the characteristics of a matched filter, the use of which in signal processing in through-the-wall radar leads to a significant reduction in the noise component and smoothing of signals. With the help of the developed models, estimates of the effectiveness of signal processing algorithms can be obtained for various scenarios of probing rooms through a wall.
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