D.V. Teryaev1, V.O. Volosenkov2, S.S. Lyalkov3, I.A. Orlov4, O.V. Platonova5, L.M. Zheleznyak6, E.V. Boazhnikova7
1 Military Academy of Military Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Smolensk, Russia)
2 Morinsis-Agat Concern JSC (Moscow, Russia)
3−7 MIREA (Moscow, Russia)
1terjaev@mail.ru, 2vvolosenkov@yandex.ru
Existing training and training systems use tools that can be implemented both as computer training complexes and operational simulators using simulation. Currently, training tools are used that can use mathematical and scenario models of the behavior of simulated objects. The problem of creating a multi-agent distributed training and training system is relevant. The lack of a theoretical justification for this process does not allow for the rapid addition of new elements within the framework of simulations. The novelty of the proposed approach is the decomposition of the model of the modeling object in order to ensure an operational change in the composition of the elements in the modeling. The theoretical justification of the process of building educational and training facilities for complex organizational and technical products will allow us to predict the image of a promising educational and training facility with an imitation of the situation as close as possible to the real one.
The problem of creating a multi-agent distributed training and training system is relevant. Currently, existing training and training systems use tools that can be implemented both as computer training complexes and operational simulators using simulation modeling. The lack of a theoretical justification for this process does not allow for the rapid addition of new elements within the framework of simulations. Theoretical substantiation of the process of building educational and training facilities for complex organizational and technical products to ensure operational changes in the composition of elements in the modeling environment. The trends in the construction of educational and training tools for complex organizational and technical products are considered. The requirements for the construction of promising training and training systems have been formed. The implementation of a distributed training simulator system will increase the level of staff training through the use of mathematical and scenario models of the behavior of simulated objects.
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