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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №3 for 2024 г.
Article in number:
Vibration sensor as the basis of an equipment monitoring system
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20700814-202403-03
UDC: 681.518.3

E.S. Yanov1, A.V. Antsev2, M.S. Vorotilin3, E.I. Minakov4, S.V. Prokopchina5

1 JSC NPO «SPLAV named after. A.N. Ganichev» (Tula, Russia)

2–4 Tula State University (Tula, Russia)

5 Financial University under Government of Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)



Currently, the high complexity and instability of engineering production processes leads to the need to make management decisions under conditions of uncertainty, which significantly affects the efficiency of production as a whole. Reducing uncertainty in operational production planning of machine-building industries is possible by analyzing data on the flow of technological processes collected using equipment monitoring systems, i.e. measuring and information systems. It is proposed to use vibration sensors as the main source of information to obtain reliable data on the operation of equipment. General issues regarding vibration sensors are considered and a variant of their classification according to various features is presented, such as sensitivity, operating principle, method of obtaining information, signal conversion mechanism, signal measurement method. Several versions of vibration sensors have been developed, designed to collect information about the level of vibration during processing and included in the diagnostic module for monitoring equipment operation. The first version of the printed circuit board is based on a microcontroller based on ATMega328P, designed to read MEMS accelerometer data and transmit the collected information using a wireless communication module to the operator panel for display in real time and transmission for storage and processing to the server. To charge the battery, a charge controller based on the TP4056 chip and a low-dropout linear stabilizer TPS730 are used. In the second option, the MPU9250 inertial measurement module is used, and information processing and data transmission is carried out using a specialized module NINA-B306. A printed circuit board of any of the presented options is installed in a vibration control sensor mounted on the back side of a three-jaw chuck inside the machine body. This placement of the diagnostic module eliminates the possibility of its unintentional damage while ensuring the required quality and reliability of signal transmission. The vibration sensor, fixed to the cartridge using quick-release strips, consists of a board located in the housing. Above the board there is an insert that protects the board from the battery. The housing is closed from above with a lid using screw washers through a gasket to ensure the housing is sealed. The clamping screw is used to secure the board in the case. The vibration sensor is turned on using a button. The proposed vibration sensor can be used as the basis of an measuring and information systems, because information about the level of vibration of a technological system, recorded by sensors, like a human cardiogram, provides comprehensive information about its condition. A diagnostic module built on the basis of a vibration sensor will increase the efficiency and “transparency” of machining processes and collect statistical data that allows assessing the efficiency of equipment operation.

Pages: 23-30
For citation

Yanov E.S., Antsev A.V., Vorotilin M.S., Minakov E.I., Prokopchina S.V. Vibration sensor as the basis of an equipment monitoring system. Information-measuring and Control Systems. 2024. V. 22. № 3. P. 23−30. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700814-202403-03 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 13.03.2024
Approved after review: 28.03.2024
Accepted for publication: 30.05.2024