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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №5 for 2023 г.
Article in number:
Development of a parsing system for the analysis of government contracts
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700814-202305-05
UDC: 519.688

V.V. Melentiev1, D.V. Serdechnyi2, P.V. Nikitin3, S.A. Korchagin4

1 Engels Institute of Technology (branch) of Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (Engels, Russia),

2−4 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)

1 melen2004@inbox.ru, 2dvserdechny@fa.ru, 3pvnikitin@fa.ru, 4sakorchagin@fa.ru


To conduct an intellectual analysis of government contracts, build high-quality models for predicting the execution of contracts, search for patterns and other valuable information, we need data on the contracts themselves, which are publicly available in various information systems. At present, such collection of such data is a laborious task. The parsing system allows you to automate the process of collecting data and pre-processing them for the subsequent construction of machine learning models and intellectual analysis.

The aim of the work is to develop a parsing system for automatically collecting and processing information about government contracts, as well as preparing data for their use in machine learning algorithms. As a result of the study, a parsing system was created that allows collecting information about government contracts from various sources, as well as conducting their automatic analysis using machine learning methods. The practical significance of this work lies in the possibility of using the developed system to improve the efficiency of public procurement management and increase their transparency.

Pages: 36-47
For citation

Melentiev V.V., Serdechnyi D.V., Nikitin P.V., Korchagin S.A. Development of a parsing system for the analysis of government contracts. Information-measuring and Control Systems. 2023. V. 21. № 5. P. 36−47. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700814-202305-05 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 10.08.2023
Approved after review: 24.08.2023
Accepted for publication: 02.10.2023