N.A. Andriyanov1, A. N. Alyunov2, M.A. Morozov3
1,2,3 Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
1 naandriyanov@fa.ru, 2 analyunov @fa.ru, 3 mikal12@yandex.ru
Formulation of the problem. The task of recognizing road signs in an unmanned vehicle is, on the one hand, a well-known problem for which deep neural networks have been proposed, but, on the other hand, it is a new and difficult task in terms of implementing such computational algorithms on embedded or single-board devices. At the same time, connecting a powerful server to a car that requires a lot of calculations can be very difficult.
Target. The main goal of this work is the implementation of high-precision algorithms for detecting and recognizing traffic signs and their transfer for execution on a single-board computer NVIDIA Jetson Nano 2 GB. To achieve this goal, the algorithms themselves are first developed based on convolutional neural networks, and then the trained model is distilled so that it is more lightweight and works in a productive mode on a single-board computer.
Results. The article discusses methods for recognizing and detecting objects in images, and also implements models based on convolutional networks of the R-CNN family. High recognition metrics were obtained up to 98% F-score on the workstation and up to 92% F-score after distillation of the model.
Practical significance. The developed distilled models can be useful when implementing a recognition system in mobile devices, since such models do not require large computing power and are much less demanding on energy costs, which, for example, plays a very important role in the case of introducing such systems in unmanned vehicles.
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