A.V. Skopinova1, D.A. Bondarenko2, M.N. Bondarev3
1,2 JSC "Precision Systems and Instruments" (Moscow, Russia)
3 JSC "RIPI" (Moscow, Russia)
During the development of on-board facilities of the space global monitoring systems, most of the financial and time costs fall on the control and testing stage. In this connection, there is a need to reduce the cost of development and the timing of the creation of on-board facilities.
Aim of article – to develop a methodology or estimating the number of full-scale operations during the control and testing of on-board facilities.
Using the assessment of the probability of obtaining the final result in one in-kind operation of testing the onboard facilities of the space global monitoring system, the method of expert assessments, as well as object-characteristic tables, a methodology for estimating the number of in-kind operations during the control and testing of onboard facilities of the space global monitoring systems has been developed.
The proposed methodology for estimating the number of full-scale operations can be used for monitoring and testing not only on-board facilities of the space global monitoring system, but also complex technical systems containing separate elements with hardware and software parts.
Skopinova A.V., Bondarenko D.A., Bondarev M.N. Estimation of the number of field operations during the control and testing of on-board facilities of the space global monitoring system. Information-measuring and Control Systems. 2023. V. 21. № 3. P. 103−107. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700814-202303-13 (in Russian)
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