A.L. Sokolov1, Y.I. Merenkova2, V.D. Nenadovich3, V.V. Murashkin4, A.S. Akentyev5
1-5 JSC "Precision Systems and Instruments" (Moscow, Russia)
Formulation of problem. Determination of systematic corrections to range measurements to Blits type retroreflector satellites designed for precision calibration of quantum-optical stations.
Purpose of the article. Measure experimentally the systematic correction of the glass retroreflector spherical system and compare with the calculated value.
Resalts. It has been established that according to the results of the experiment, the value of the systematic correction of the retroreflective spherical system coincides with the calculated value with an accuracy of up to 3 mm. The schematic diagram of the experimental system is presented. An assessment of the error in measuring experimental system has been carried out.
Practical significance. The results obtained can be used in the design of a multilayer retroreflector spherical systems.
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