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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №2 for 2023 г.
Article in number:
Expert systems and instruments for their construction: some results
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j0700814-202302-05
UDC: 004.8(075.8)

G. V. Rybina1

1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education National Research Nuclear
  University MEPhI (Moscow, Russia)


In more than 50 – year history of artificial intelligence (AI), there are not a lot of fundamental and applied researches, which would have achieved the same popularity and extensive «geography» of applications in various fields of science, engineering, manufacturing, business, social services, and others as expert systems (ES), or in a broader sense – knowledge-based systems (KBS). From the late 60s of the last century, when the first ES (DENDRAL, PROSPECTOR, MYCIN, etc.) were created, to the present time, the interest to this branch of AI does not subside, but with the difference, that the creation of ES turned from the individual developers’ art to the one of the most powerful applied industries of AI.

Now the industrial technology of ES construction is used by large companies and organizations, and studying of students of technical and even humanitarian universities is an integral part of the second generation state educational standards.

Over the years, ES technology platform had also significantly changed – from simple personal computers to client-server architectures and workstations, enabling switch from traditional stand-alone static ES to the web-oriented integrated ES (web-IES), including those operating in dynamic subject domains and solving dynamic problems (dynamic IES).

Without pretending to be exhaustive review (a large number of domestic and foreign operations are dedicated to this theme), this paper discusses some results of development of ES and instrument to support the ES construction, focusing particular attention on the domestic systems and the role of the ES, IES and web-IES in the modern post-industrial society. In addition, as this issue of the journal is devoted to the 50th anniversary of the cybernetics school of the MEPhI (now NRNU MEPhI) Department of Cybernetics, some attention is paid to the researches of the Department in the ES field, particularly in IES, since this approach now takes an important place in the domestic practice of construction of IES for real complex and important problems.

Pages: 30-44
For citation

Rybina G.V. Expert systems and instruments for their construction: some results. Information-measuring and Control Systems. 2023. V. 21. № 2. P. 30–44. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700814-202302-05 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 11.03.2013