B.G. Tatarsky1, Najjar Tammam2
1,2 Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (Moscow, Russia)
1 RTU MIREA (Moscow, Russia)
1 Science and Education Center of JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow, Russia)
This article studies a distributed radar, consisting of a stationary transmitter and rotating receiver modules. Particular attention was spotted on the influence of the position of the transmitter module relative to the receiver module and the progressive movement of the distributed radar on the process of artificial aperture synthesis due to the rotation of the receiver module. Analyzing trajectory signals that generated in a distributed radar, processing algorithms and estimating the influence of the parameters -mentioned in this article- on the output response of the processing system while synthesizing an artificial aperture antenna has been done. At the end of this article, the main conclusions based on the results are presented.
The purpose of this article is to take a look at the features of synthesizing aperture antenna of a distributed radar system, consisting of a stationary module and a circularly rotating receiver module. The article analyzes the trajectory signal generated in the process of observing a target point and estimates the influence of the position changes of the transmitter module and the progressive motion of the distributed radar on the output response of the optimal processing system of the trajectory signal. Analyzing this influence was estimated by the changes in the output response of the processing system, which was compared with a case where no radial velocity of the distributed radar, and the transmitter module is located strictly on the line corresponding to the target point’s line of sight. Calculations were done by simulation using MATLAB, which showed that changing the position of the transmitter module does not affect the output response of the processing system, and the appearance of the radial velocity of the distributed radar reflects in decreasing in the duration of the output response on azimuth scale.
Tatarsky B.G., Najjar Tammam. Influence of stationary transmitting module position and carrier motion on aperture synthesis process in distributed radar with rotation of receiving antenna phase center. Information-measuring and Control Systems. 2022. V. 20. № 6. P. 12−20. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700814-202206-02 (in Russian)
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