V.E. Dementiev1, N.A. Andriyanov2
1 Ulyanovsk State Technical University (Ulyanovsk, Russia)
2 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
Problem. Various digital systems for collecting and analyzing information are of great importance today. This also applies to the transport industry. There is currently no universal solution for collecting information about the operation of a taxi ordering service. At the same time, the task is both to select significant indicators and to process them effectively. In particular, the task of predicting the cost of ordering a taxi, which can be solved using machine learning methods, is extremely relevant.
Target. Select significant factors for the taxi ordering service, implement their collection in the database and explore a number of regression models with various preprocessing methods, including the use of a generative model.
Results. The article considers the problem of predicting the effective cost of ordering a taxi service for a large number of parameters. The text pays special attention to the parameters used for the assessment and the collection of the necessary information. The dataset in question was provided by one of the taxi service companies in Ulyanovsk. A method for data preprocessing using a doubly stochastic random field model and a combined forecasting method based on K-nearest neighbors, gradient boosting, and random forest are proposed. Particular attention is paid to the description of data using dimensionality reduction methods. To assess the quality of forecasts, data with expert labeling of the required cost is used. The proposed method made it possible to reduce the mean square error by 7% compared to the known machine learning algorithms. The developed algorithm can be used to form the cost of a taxi ordering service.
Practical significance. A regional taxi ordering service can improve the efficiency of the pricing policy through the application of trained models. However, to obtain a reliable model, a larger training sample is required.
Dementiev V.E., Andriyanov N.A. System for predicting the effective price of ordering a taxi service using machine learning algorithms. Information-measuring and Control Systems. 2022. V. 20. № 5. P. 67−73. DOI: https://doi.org/10. 18127/j20700814-202205-10 (in Russian)
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