U.A. Apоrovich
OJSC «AGAT – Control Systems» – Managing Company of «Geoinformation Control Systems Holding» (Minsk, Republic of Belarus)
Processing radar information about aerodynamic targets, coordinate information remains an urgent problem. It is assumed that the target moves in a straight line and evenly most of the time, and less of the time, it makes various maneuvers. Target tracking is carried out at a rate equal to the survey time, in the presence of coordinates measurements. Currently, there are number of filters for smoothing the target coordinate parameters. At the same time, the existing filters are characterized by a large error of smoothing in sections without a maneuver and small in sections with a maneuver, or vice versa - by a small error in sections without a maneuver and a large error in sections with a maneuver. Moreover, many filters work effectively only in some specified ranges of input parameters. The new filter should provide a minimum smoothing error in areas without maneuver. It should ensure the minimum possible errors and emissions of smoothing error during the maneuver and operate efficiently over the widest range of input parameters. To achieve this goal, a two-fold correction (variation) of the smoothing coefficients was used in accordance with the deviation of the coordinate of the newly measured position of the target (mark) from the extrapolated position. The variation is performed in accordance with the selected function, while the smoothing step acquires a certain conditional value.
Algorithm of recurrent smoothing includes some steps:
We receive a new value of coordinate.
The old value of coordinate extrapolates on time of mark.
Then we calculate the mean of gate.
Then we obtain the variation of conditional smoothing step (the first variation) with accordance to selected function. Then we change smoothing coefficients with accordance to deviation, mean of gate and new smoothing step.
We calculate new smoothing coordinate, velocity and new conditional smoothing step (second variation).
The proposed filter modelling has been performed. Received by modelling values of smoothing errors were compared with smoothing errors of other filters, described in scientific literature. Tree literature sources with 9 filters of different types were used. The comparison results demonstrate a significant decrease in smoothing of the root mean square errors of coordinates and velocity in the proposed filter in comparison with other samples; with according to main requirements, any “tunes” in proposed filter were not used. The new filter can be used in various systems for processing radar information as more affective.
Apоrovich U.A. Synthesis and research of filter with a variation of coefficients for tracking a maneuvering aerodynamic target. Information-measuring and Control Systems. 2021. V. 19. № 6. P. 21−28. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700814-202106-02 (in Russian)
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