Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №2 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Method for building a model of the functioning of the on-board equipment of spacecrafts based on a classification scheme of interactions of subsystems
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 681.518.5

A.I. Loskutov¹, V.A. Klykov², A.V. Stolyarov³, D.A. Penkov4

1-3 Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

4 Military Unit № 31659 (Moscow, Russia)


In this paper, a promising approach to solving the problem of adaptive-distributed control of the technical condition of onboard equipment of spacecraft based on the classification scheme of the mutual influence of subsystems is determined.

Purpose is to improve the efficiency of autonomous monitoring of the technical condition of spacecraft on-board equipment.

The proposed method for constructing a model of the functioning of onboard equipment of spacecraft made it possible to obtain a classification scheme for the mutual influence of subsystems of onboard equipment, the use of which as a vehicle control model provides semantic compression of telemetric information.

The idea of creating a special software for advanced on-board control systems with the function of adaptive-distributed control of technical condition is proposed. The possibility of using the methodology is not excluded when constructing a model of the operation process of on-board equipment for objects of various purposes, including as an element of an artificial intelligence system when solving the problem of monitoring a technical condition.

Pages: 54-63
For citation

Loskutov A.I., Klykov V.A., Stolyarov A.V., Penkov D.A. Method for building a model of the functioning of the on-board equipment of spacecrafts based on a classification scheme of interactions of subsystems. Information-measuring and Control Systems. 2021. V. 26. № 2. P. 54−63. DOI: (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 22.02.2021 г.
Approved after review: 19.03.2021 г.
Accepted for publication: 03.04.2021 г.