Aleksandr F. Ulasen¹, Aleksandr V. Klyuev², Eduard V. Titov³
1−3 Vasilevsky Military Academy of Air Defense Forces RF (Smolensk, Russia)
The project and development of modern management information systems is impossible without carrying-out of an analysis, forecasting and its reliability control. At that the aims of analysis are reliability optimal assignment between the components of the hardware and system, the choice of structure, supporting the maximum reliability indexes, definition of the desired degree amount of redundancy, optimal selection of components of the hardware option value and others. The forecasting of reliability is actually a final stage of analysis, on which the theoretical estimate of quantification reliability of a finally selected variant of the hardware and control system is realized.
The analysis of the results of the investigation complex technical systems for the long-term period shows that above developed achievement and securing methods of its reliability require the specifications and some changes, because the system approach to the reliability control problem analysis is not full used, as far as they were based on the received statistical estimate and didn’t take into account the influence on the hardware reliability control of management information systems and control systems. In return while forecasting and analyzing the reliability control of management information systems it always manages to mark the elements in analyzing hardware, functioning as control, components failure in which lead to the refusal of the main hardware and there for they must be considered in the reliability analysis of the hardware in whole.
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