350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №5 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Criteria for reliability and safety of an operator-controlled radio-electronic system
DOI: 10.18127/j20700814-202005-04
UDC: 621

Nikolai A. Severtsev¹, Nguyen Minh Hong², Nguyen Quang Thuong³

 1  FRC «Computer Science and Control» of RAS (Moscow, Russia) 2  State Technical University Le Qui Don (Hanoi, Vietnam)

3  State University of Management (Moscow, Russia) 1  2  3

 wcan@ccas.ru,  nguyenhaihong2007@yahoo.com.vn,  tikhonovrus@gmail.com


The problem of reliability and safety of radio electronic systems (RES) is one of the priorities in radio electronics. One of the little studied and still unsolved problems is to take into account, in a quantitative and simple form, the influence of the so-called human factor on the reliability and safety of radio electronic devices, that is, the influence of an individual or collective operator on the processes of the system functioning.

Goal of the work is to propose a new approach to taking into account the influence of the factor of human control of RES on the indicators of its reliability and safety.

The article gives a new idea of the reliability and safety of the radio-electronic system based on the obtained criteria for operator training. New indicators of the level of the RES operator, the main probabilistic criterion for the reliability and safety of the RES controlled by the operator, have been developed. A method for evaluating the probability criterion for safe control of the RES operator is proposed. The method is based on the use of the proposed indicator of the operator's level of training, as well as the indicator of the level of his ability to manage the RES.

The novelty lies in the development of indicators of the operator's training level and the level of his ability to perform the tasks of REM management. The proposed approach makes it possible to evaluate these indicators based on the results of simulated training works and tests, as well as to take into account in quantitative form their influence on the criteria for safe control and trouble-free operation of the RES.


Pages: 35-42
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Date of receipt: 22.05.2020 г.