D.A. Loktev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor,
Department «Information Systems and Telecommunications», Bauman Moscow State Technical University
E-mail: loktevdan@bmstu.ru
When analyzing images obtained with the help of photo and video cameras, the resulting blurring of the object image is considered as a noise parameter, for the elimination of which computational power is spent. At the same time, blurring carries, among other things, useful information about the object under study, which can be used in information and measurement monitoring systems using computer vision methods.
Goal of the work is to build a model for blurring the image of an object on an image used as primary data for the operation of an automated monitoring and control system for mobile and stationary objects.
The components of blurring the image of an object in the image are defined. The influence of environmental characteristics, color components of the object image and background on the image, parameters of the position in space and movement of the object and detector, settings of photo or video detectors, as well as parameters of image processing when saving it to a file is taken into account. The proposed model allows us to present the image blur function of the object under study as an important informative criterion that can be used to determine the geometric and kinematic parameters of the state and behavior of the object under control and monitoring.
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