350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №4 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Characteristic coefficients for radiophysical diagrams correspondence estimation
DOI: 10.18127/j20700814-202004-08
UDC: 51-73

I.A. Damaratskiy – Ph.D.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, 

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

E-mail: IDamaratskiy@yandex.ru


Article is dedicated to mathematical tool for sphere of radiolocation, radio engineering, applied electrodynamics, radiophysics. Subject of investigation is principles of comparison of radiophysical data (for example, theoretical and experimental results): diagrams or functions with lobes and narrow dips, numerical estimation of its correspondence. This is actually for tasks of theoretical or experimental methods verification, control automatization (in view of object-etalon radiophysical data deviation), estimations in research works.

Realizing estimation colleagues encounter problems. Correlation coefficient estimates linear dependence degree substantially in zone of large values and disparagingly in zone of small values. This isn’t fit for radiophysical data diagrams, which often have large dynamic range. Standard deviation and diverse objectives (in absolute or relative values), as shown in paper, aren’t serve as adequate estimation of correspondence and lead to loss of important information about correspondence. As a rule colleagues limit themselves to visual observing or certain parameters ratio. The first thing is subjective and inapplicable for automatization, the second thing doesn’t provide complete insight into data diagrams.

For numerical estimation of radiophysical data diagrams correspondence regardless of absolute values (for data with whatever dynamic range) and with diagrams characters correspondence glance author justifies characteristic coefficients, which must be applied



































in common: ranged characteristic coefficient D and average relative error Δ :


                              n Yi                                                n Zi

                             ∑                                 ∑                                 ⎡         Δmax                                  min ⎤

                                            +(1−V)                         ,   Δ =10lg⎢⎣V ⋅10 10        +(1−V) 10⋅   10 ⎥⎦,

where n – quantity of terms in each of compared diagrams; Yi and Zi – i diagrams terms; ∆min and ∆max – parameters for commutation offset; V – weighting coefficient (from 0 to 1).


D (nondimensional quantity) is estimation of compared diagrams characters correspondence, it’s initial. Δ (dB) is estimation of


compared diagrams deviation, it can be considered as a linear dependence coefficient, if D is larger than criteria of good diagrams characters correspondence. In paper discrete-to-integral transition is considered – addition is interchanged by integration.

D and Δ are numerical estimation of radiophysical data diagrams correspondence. Its values allowed to reveal compared diagrams features and to classify correspondence cases (fig. 2), that is importance of coefficients.

Large value of D and small value of Δ indicate good compared diagrams correspondence (fig. 2, zone of good correspondence). Large values of D and Δ signal to operator about possible errors in calibration of experimental plant (fig. 2, zone of «calibration er-


rors»). Small value of Δ and not great value of D indicate «surges» (narrow dips/peaks) in compared diagrams, that can be by


reason of failures in calculation, measuring, results handling. Small value of D and large value of Δ indicate bad compared diagrams correspondence (fig. 2, zone of bad correspondence).

Long experience of practical application has corroborated importance of characteristic coefficients.

Pages: 68-77
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Date of receipt: 4 июня 2020 г.