350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №4 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Determining the risk factors of destructive actions of the information security violator of the automated control system
DOI: 10.18127/j20700814-202004-06
UDC: 004.852

D.V. Chernov – Assistant, 

Department of Information Security, Tula State University;

Head of Sector of Information Security, 

JSC ADC (Tula)

E-mail: cherncib@gmail.com

A.A. Sychugov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department of Information Security,  Tula State University

E-mail: xru2003@list.ru


The article offers a formalized description of the method for determining the numerical expression of the danger of actions potentially implemented by an information security violator in automated process control systems. The analysis of the most significant destructive impacts on the information security systems of critical objects is carried out. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that it is important to model threats to the information security of industrial facilities. The most common methods of obtaining numerical expressions of the danger of destructive actions of information security violators in the development of threat models are considered. The methods are divided into two groups: verbal and probabilistic. Later in the article, each of the two groups is discussed in more detail. Their positive and negative sides are given. The authors propose a new method for determining the risk factors of destructive actions of an information security violator, which was not previously found in open sources. The article presents 11 numerical expressions that form the basis of the proposed method. Numerical expressions are strictly structured and applicable to each of the 3 levels of automated process control systems. As part of the work, the authors calculate the criticality of information security violations in accordance with the FMEA methodology for analyzing the types and consequences of potential defects. Based on the data obtained when applying FMEA, the risk factor of destructive actions of the information security violator is calculated. In order to check the correctness of the presented method, the authors developed software using the MATLAB programming language. The results of the developed program are presented on two types of graphs. The increase in the values of the hazard coefficient at all levels of the automated process control system, over time, indicates a potential increase in direct losses and uncontrolled consequences for industrial facilities. The method is proposed for use in building models of threats and information security violators in cases of designing and implementing information security tools for automated process control systems.

Pages: 49-57
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Date of receipt: 28 мая 2020 г.