A.A. Boldyrev – Post-graduate Student,
MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)
A.A. Bubenschikov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Lecturer,
MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)
E-mail: kleo_cesar@mail.ru
For today in territory of the Russian Federation widely branched out network of the automated systems and radio monitoring means operates with which primary goal control of correctness of use of a radio-frequency spectrum by various radio-electronic means and parameters of their radiations in the set territorial area is. The decision of this problem is carried out on the basis of the analysis by the automated means of radio monitoring of radio-electronic (electromagnetic) conditions (REC (EMC)) in a wide range of frequencies in time scale close to the real. Analysis REC (EMC), as a rule, is carried out in the conditions of presence of any hindrances of the unknown or changing intensity which aprioristic uncertainty is caused by high density REC of different function, the industry enterprises, power systems in city conditions and countryside, and also the atmospheric and space phenomena. It is obvious that in this case the relation the signal/hindrance (signal/noise) on an input of receivers of means of radio monitoring, can appear below the level corresponding to its sensitivity and set indicators of quality of detection. It causes necessity of constant measurement and control of the relation a signal/hindrance (signal/noise) (SNR) in the channel of reception for the purpose of adaptation of the basic indicators of quality of means of radio monitoring to conditions difficult signal-hindrance conditions.
The analysis of works and technical decisions shows that methods of measurement (estimation) of unknown intensity (capacity) of noise (hindrance) existing now in the reception channel do not allow to carry out its separate measurement with average capacity of a signal at their simultaneous presence in the channel that the signal/hindrance (signal/noise) causes an inadequate estimation of the relation or demands additional time expenses that in conditions of dynamical processes is not always admissible.
By authors in article are offered analytical model of estimation of average capacity cumulative Gaussian hindrances with unknown intensity in the channel of reception and a variant of the technical decision of the device of its estimation realizing. By results of the researches spent in article it is shown that:
- average value a target current of loading of the offered variant of construction of a measuring instrument of average capacity cumulative Gaussian hindrances with unknown intensity of an invariant signal to presence in the reception channel is defined by the sum of the even initial moments of the first order of a root mean square deviation of a cumulative hindrance (noise);
- at SNR (q) above typical values q = 3.5, defining sensitivity of equipment of radio monitoring, average value of a target current of loading of the offered variant of construction of a measuring instrument of average capacity cumulative Gaussian hindrances it is defined by the dominating first even initial moment, and the deviation of the dependences considering second and third, does not exceed 10%. Therefore at SNR q ≥ 3 it is enough to consider only the first initial moment, and at small values SNR 0 < q < 3 for accuracy increase it is possible to consider also the second and third initial moments.
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